Is Cottage Cheese Good For You?

If you like the creamy, but lumpy texture of cottage cheese (sounds weird, I know, but how else?), Then you'll be pleased to know that the low-fat version is healthy.

The only downside to eating cottage cheese is its high sodium content (salt content), so if you are on a low, or no salt diet, you should avoid it.


 If you eat cottage cheese before bed, you are giving your body a boost in casein protein. Casein is found in milk and consists of nine essential amino acids.

When combined with enzymes present in the stomach, it becomes a gel and this mass is slowly digested. This helps reduce the breakdown of muscle mass while you sleep.

This can happen because when you sleep, you are not giving your body any fuel (food), even though the body still has to maintain its functions such as maintaining blood circulation and the respiratory process.

One thing bodybuilders need to take care of is muscle mass, so cottage cheese can help them do this if eaten before bed.

One cup of cottage cheese provides you with about 15 grams of protein, and if you're on a diet, you'll be glad to know that it only contains 104 calories.

It contains about 125 milligrams of calcium, which is important for healthy bones, nails and teeth. It also contains the minerals phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium, which I always consider to be minerals that make me feel good.

It also contains folate, vitamin A and several B complex vitamins, such as riboflavin. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's ChooseMyPlate website, every one cup of cottage cheese provides one-third of our daily dairy needs.

You may have to get used to eating this food, but if you don't really like its bland taste and unusual texture, you can add it or add it to something else.


 In order for your kids to eat it, you can make a cucumber "boat" with the seeds taken from halved cucumbers, you can replace them with cottage cheese and use a sheet of paper and a cocktail stick to make a sail.

If you can't just eat it, add a slice of strawberries and black pepper, or spoon it in half an avocado and eat it with a green salad, tomato slices and cucumber.

Because of its bland taste, you can mix it up with almost anything, or just add a little Tabasco or cayenne pepper to it to make your tongue more ready for it.

Why not, but a box of low-fat cottage cheese when you hit the nearest supermarket?


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